“Choose the Right” applied to design

I appreciated Mark Hurst’s recent Good Experience newsletter. The e-mail itself (not the blog entry it pointed to, above) mentioned an experience he had in inviting an Anglican nun to speak at a conference he sponsored.

I took a chance at Gel 2007 and invited a friend of mine, an Anglican nun, to give her take on “good experience.” She turned out to be one of the favorite speakers for a number of attendees. One of her final comments was about “choosing the good,” which I think is relevant no matter what one’s profession, job title, or walk of life. By attempting to “choose the good,” we can design any kind of product – or service – or website – or organization – or life - for the better.

Besides reminding me of my good ol’ CTR (Choose the Right) ring from Sunday School, this injunction to “Choose the Good” reminded me of one of my very first NorthTemple posts: Design and the Golden Rule, wherein I outline my own motivations for entering first into usability, and now design.

Thanks for the reminder Mark.

posted by Ted Boren on Tuesday, May 08, 2007
tagged with design, usability, ethics