Six of the 20-something book cover comps I generated for my 15-year old son’s first fantasy novel.
He’ll probably bag them all and do something himself, but I was having too much fun transforming vacation photos into cover art to stop! Photoshop filters… addictive. Perhaps you are asking, Book cover? What 15-year old can really publish a book with a cover? So glad you asked. The real reason for this post is to give a plug for .

You can self-publish, advertise, and market your own printed or electronic books with Lulu. You pay nothing unless you order something for yourself, and then the prices are very reasonable ($18 for a single copy run of a 150 page hardback book, with cheaper options depending on the binding and other format details). From my research, that’s very tough to beat. Most online publishers make you order at least 25 copies. With Lulu, you just order what you personally want; everybody else that wants your work orders their own, direct from the website (like this one for Matthew’s book). And you can upload a new version anytime— again with no cost, unless you want to order a proof copy for yourself.

You specify whatever profit margin you want to receive over and above printing costs. Very cool, relatively painless, and now I’m related to “an award-winning author!”

posted by Ted Boren on Friday, Apr 11, 2008
tagged with photoshop, cs3, online-publishing, publishing, lulu, photoshop-filters