Gordon B. Hinckley Web Site

We should have been more prepared for this but we now have a new mini-site live: Gordon B. Hinckley.

I designed this page Sunday night when I found out President Hinckley passed away. I shared it with a few product managers and after prototyping (with Aaron Barker and Emmy Southworth), editing, intellectual property, correlation, AV production, quality assurance, development oversight, networking, and publishing, we finally pulled it off.

This site shrank the experience we have on developing projects that take months into one week. Granted it is only a page but there was definitely a lot to learn from in a short time. It also shows the care we take when the Church publishes official information.

Thank you to all those who helped with this: Larry, Tom, Mindie, Brent, John, Aaron, Emmy, Scott, Brian, Wade, Greg, Jimmy, and more.

(My favorite thing on this page is the timeline. Special thanks to Aaron for making this happen.)

And if you’re wondering about the next president’s site, yes, we are preparing for that now.

posted by Gilbert Lee on Friday, Feb 01, 2008
tagged with gordon-hinckley