Hymns of the Re-Organization

In the LDS Church, each congregation is called a ward. Wards are combined into stakes (see Isaiah 54, especially verse 2). With few exceptions, both wards and stakes are geographically based, enclosing a specific area exclusive of any other ward or stake. When a ward or stake gets too large (and, less frequently, when they get too small) a re-organization of the stake is necessary, with boundary re-alignments, new wards, and so forth. In a growing area like Saratoga Springs, UT where I live, such re-organizations have become an annual event. Last night our stake was re-organized, so in honor of the occasion, a member of our stake presidency read the following list of possible hymn selections for the occasion.

These are all real hymns in the LDS hymnbook.

What was actually on the program:

posted by Ted Boren on Monday, Jun 11, 2007
tagged with music, humor, lds