case study

School Report Cards Have Unfortunately Become Like Executive Dashboards

Back in the day report cards were very simple to read. No more than eight boxes each with a letter grade. An ‘F’ meant you were grounded and an ‘A’ meant you could use it to your advantage in getting money or additional privileges from your parents. It was with great disappointment that I read the report card of my first grade son. Like most executive dashboards found today his assessment/report numbered over 80 key performance indicators (KPI’s) yet failed to provide clarity about how my son was doing. Read on to discover why my son passed but his report card failed.

When Knowledge is Worthless

Dashboards and report cards are the communications of metrics. Those metrics reflect the outcome of past actions, attitudes, priorities

Know Your Audience

Know your audienceSpeak English Don’t confuse quantity of metrics with quality of understanding the big picture. Know your Audience Metrics should answer questions not create them.

posted by Matt Miller on Friday, Mar 27, 2009
tagged with dashboard