Project “Soul Searching”

In our jobs, working for the LDS Church, we work on projects that do not generate financial income. This is very different than the corporate world that I’m used to, but also a very good thing. The projects we work on do not generate income, but they do use financial resources of the Church, and the bar is set very high to use those resources in the most effective way possible. This environment requires an extra level of vigilance and “project soul searching” that may not happen (although it probably should) in the corporate world. In this quest for meaning, I’ve been bombarded with questions. The process of questioning doesn’t always get to the answer. In fact, if you’ve got all the answers, the chances are that you don’t really understand the problem. The purpose of questioning is to gain a better understanding of the problem, where your solution fits in, and what effect it will really have on your customers and end users.

Andy Rutledge makes some good points on this also in his article “Seek Understading, Not Answers”

posted by John Dilworth on Wednesday, Aug 23, 2006
tagged with design, management