time archives
“Twitter time passes 10 times faster than email time.”Another notable quote from Nielsen’s message on Twitter postings, noting that compared to email advertising, which continues to generate clicks for several days, Twitter “shows a drastically steeper decay function: lots of clicks the first few minutes, and then almost none.” This means, among other things, that Tweets are impacted far more negatively than email by differences in timezone…
At least we don’t have it this bad.
Gmail Custom Time is just what I need.
Ten ways to find time for your family—no matter how busy you are. Always a good thing to find more of.
Love-Hate relationship. Love to get money – hate to track time. Enter Harvest Easy time tracking with a cool dashboard widget to make it even easier. Now I almost love…well like tracking time.
TIME Magazine publishes today with a new design from Pentagram. The new design looks great. I’m loving the bold use of large headline type which is used to identify sections.