Working with a team of designers I’ve been getting this error a lot lately opening files in Photoshop. Digging through all the layers manually is a pain and on a few files I’ve not even been able to locate the offending text. Nic Johnson just made my day however pointing me towards the Replace All Missing Fonts feature under Type in the Layers menu.
Public Gothic is a new gothic font by Antrepo with 4 fantastic variations, and it’s free.
Performance guru Steve Souders dives into current performance issues with the web’s latest hot techonolgy of font-embedding via @font-face. @font-face and performance describes how the major browsers handle font embedding for good and bad. Specifically how all browsers but Firefox show no text until the font is downloaded (FF shows the default font and then re-draws when the custom font is ready).
A must read for anyone thinking to use this new arrow in our quiver, so you can know the potential drawbacks.
I’m one of the least typographical guys in our group. But even I can appreciate a good cross between typography and 80’s cartoons with the Optima T-Shirt :)
Use the best available ampersand. Nice charts over at SimpleBits on the different fonts & ampersands available by default on Mac, XP and Vista.
“I have a much easier time designing a typeface once I can imagine how it will exist on the page. ...I spent several fruitless weeks coming up with sketches for the Guardian until we stopped thinking so hard about how we wanted it to look, and started to focus on what it needed to do.”An interview with Christian Schwartz in MyFont’s October newsletter
FF Meta Serif —Designed with Kris Sowersby and Erik Spiekermann. Available starting in October 2007 from FontShop International. For those of us (this is for you, Chris) who couldn’t get enough of Meta Sans it in the late 90’s.
“Curlz MT is not a font; it’s a cry for help.”America’s Most Fonted: The 7 Worst Fonts