email archives
“Twitter time passes 10 times faster than email time.”
Another notable quote from Nielsen’s message on Twitter postings, noting that compared to email advertising, which continues to generate clicks for several days, Twitter “shows a drastically steeper decay function: lots of clicks the first few minutes, and then almost none.” This means, among other things, that Tweets are impacted far more negatively than email by differences in timezone…

posted by ted on Wednesday, Aug 26, 2009 · 2 comments

“happytohelp @ dropsend . com”
I like DropSend’s support email address…
They’re not just Help, they’re Happy to Help!

posted by ted on Tuesday, Jun 30, 2009 · 0 comments

Obama might have to give up email:

The president’s e-mail can be subpoenaed by Congress and courts and may be subject to public records laws, so if a president doesn’t want his e-mail public, he shouldn’t e-mail, experts said. And there may be security issues about carrying around trackable cell phones.”

posted by jason on Monday, Nov 17, 2008 · 0 comments

Intel recently declared Fridays to be Zero E-mail Fridays, to encourage “more direct, free-flowing communication and better exchange of ideas.” Done.

posted by jason on Friday, Oct 12, 2007