Ben Willis
Representing the heart of the Midwest… I grew up on a 300 acre farm in the SW corner of Missouri, [mi-zoor-uh]. I have a hottest and coolest wife and 3.5 of the best kids in the world, ages 7, 5, 3, and –7months. :)
I was born in Tonga while my father was serving a service mission teaching art, hence the middle name Paletu’a and the love for aesthetics. Except for a few family reunions I rarely left Missouri till graduating High School. Between high school and getting married, I worked construction in San Francisco, spent two years all over Florida & S. Georgia, worked on a fishing boat in SE Alaska, experienced a ski season in Park City Utah, and went to school in Austin Texas, Springfield Missouri and Provo Utah.
I found my career and passion during the .com days of the mid 90’s in eCommerce. I graduated from mom & pop stores to online banking, then mobile devices at Sprint, and most recently medical software. I’ve functioned in the capacity of a graphic artist, presentation layer coder, information designer, business analyst, and user researcher. My joy is in the synergy of all aspects of Interaction Design producing something special.
I left medical software design in Kansas City, Mo in 2006 to apply my abilities to the good work going on here. Me and my family have never been happier or more grounded. The work couldn’t be more rewarding and the family centered culture could not be more supportive.