may 2011 archives
“I’m going to begin with a provocative claim: I believe CSS is one of the most difficult-​​to-​​master computer languages we have. … Simply put; it’s a styling language. A language for designers, not developers. Some of the most experienced programmers I’ve worked with struggle to comprehend CSS for this very reason.”
Having just had to explain the concept of “specificity” to an experienced developer, this quote resonated with me. From an article by Chris Sealey on Better Semantics with CSS Combinators and Selectors.

posted by ted 7 hours ago

“Swipe Ambiguity”
One of several common usability problems for iPad apps identified in usability testing by Jakob Nielsen in an interesting article on the
current state of iPad usability.

posted by ted 2 days ago

There are many things I love about working for the LDS Church. Being able to walk through Temple Square on occasion is one of them. (That doesn’t happen as often since our department moved to Riverton, but I still get downtown now and then, and others can go more frequently.)

This photo was taken with my phone at the conclusion of a service project and team building day, spent helping to landscape the grounds adjacent to Temple Square. (That’s another thing I love about working here—the emphasis on service.)

posted by ted on Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Essential UX Layers—an interesting model from Jared Spool for tying together your vision, design principles, personas, scenarios, and user stories (or feature designs or use cases or whatever). He presents this as a way to help user experience design fit into an agile development world, but the layers would work well in traditional dev methods as well.

An important point that might be lost on some readers—many of the layers (all?) are rooted in user research; you don’t just make stuff up and expect to solve real problems for real people.

posted by ted on Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Communicating the UX Value Proposition

Great article from John Dilworth and Matt Miller published in UX Magazine.

posted by emmy on Friday, May 06, 2011